
FTP Server In Python

A project for my Networking class done with Jacob Cassity. We implemented a FTP server in python using the lower level socket interface. Jacob and I successfully had our computers transferring files using our code.

Social Media Event Detection

For my Software Engineering class I completed this program; it is a Java Swing program which in real time collects data from twitter and reddit and completes keyword matches to determine if it is of note.

Travers Consulting

I worked at Travers Consulting from March 2017 to May 2020 as their lead developer. I developed a website using Spring deployed on a Tomcat server. I also developed a desktop application written in C#, and two mobile applications in C#.

South Internship

With South I had an internship where I worked on a project developing a web interface for IPTables rules.

Space Apps 2020

I competed in the Space Apps 2020 challenge receiving honorable mention in the Alabama A&M competition.