
Travers Consulting Developer Lead

I worked at Travers as the developer for around three years. At first I worked under the previous developer, then was on my own for about 10 months, and ended leading a team of 8 developers. At Travers my primary work was working on the IT Service Desk site. This was a site built in Java using the Spring framework deployed on a Tomcat 8 server. This was primarily a maintenance project, with some new forms and features.

At Travers I also worked on two C# applications, Help Desk operator, a system to streamline how the helpdesk views their workstation with custom quick links, custom forms, and a quick document finder based on the description they are writing for their ticket. We also built a Physician's Desktop, a system used for Physicians to access Citrix, this gives them the ability to get announcements from IT and to easily put in tickets to the IT department. Besides these main projects, I would often fulfill report requests on the ticket database writing SQL queries as necessary. I also wrote the occasional python script for tedious work I or the help desk would have.

After we ramped up our team, we also worked on an IoT project around IT providing quick help. We created a management server using Java Spring that would handle requests from both AWS Buttons and Raspberry Pis to be deployed around a hospital. The AWS Buttons were for locations with no info needed, while the Pis could use a serial connection to a desktop to provide diagnostic information.

We also took on two sports related projects as a consultant for a sports management company named Kano. We created a Xamarin app that provided independent coaches to sell their trainings. We also began work on a website that allowed the Hall of Fame to manage training camps.

Another point I am proud of is that at Travers I introduced a code review process. Before me work was committed to the master branch with no review, I changed it where each feature would get a branch created and before being merged to the master branch we would review the code and confirm it meets the needs and did not break any other issues. I also pride myself with the fact that I've pushed for more documentation, including simple documents on how to set up the development environment and how to handle restarting our server.